Saturday, September 10, 2016


See the cloud that forms from a droplet,
the tree that grows from a seed,
and the eagle born out of an egg.
This is the way of the world.
See the rain dissolve the heavy cloud,
the fungus that feeds on the ancient tree,
and age start to wither the eagle's wings.
This is the way of the world.

Simplicity will not last,
and at last it births complexity.
Complexity becomes too much,
and lapses back into simplicity.

You can feel it, sometimes.
(I can feel it sometimes.)
When you see the sunset in clear skies,
and feel your heartbeat melt into the light.
This is what the world is, deep down.
Patternless patterning.
A child locking the puzzle-pieces into place
only to dump the whole thing when it gets hard.

Poor kid. Poor silly kid.

If he only knew how simple it really was.
Lock the pieces in place and you've got a picture,
you know? Simple.
On it's own level, simple as a ripple
spreading out a circle from the center.
None of those awful worries about purpose,
or progress, or practicality.
None of that constant worry that makes existence a drag.
Just a ripple spreading from the center.
Just a child playing at a puzzle.

It's quite complex,
because you can never say it all.
It's quite simple,
because you know it before saying it.

Now, I'm not saying there's any kind of disease
in that kind of thinking.
I'm not saying it's necessarily a problem.
It's only a problem once you say there's a problem.
And once you've decided there's a problem,
God help you if you suddenly decide there's not one...

It's an unfolding process.
It's activity and passivity.
Simplicity and complexity.
Feeling and thought.

See the cloud form from a droplet,
see the skies beyond
and the bright stars above.
Feel what formed them.
Feel what they are.


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(Photo credit: "Ripple" from ReflectedSerendipity on flickr)

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