Saturday, August 1, 2015

Cracks in the Path

Do you see the grass?
Do you see how it rises
from cracks in the concrete?
Do you see how it catches the Light
and brings life to a world?

Hansel and Gretel walked through the forest…

Do you see the robin?
Do you see her build her nest
in the crumbling wall?
Do you see her sing and catch worms
for her young?

They dropped breadcrumbs as they went along…

Would you follow your path
and reach its end?
Would you forget to dream?
Never to dance in the grass,
never to bathe in the sunshine?

They sang, and laughed together…

What is the dullest distance
between two points?
Is it not a straight line?
Why so eager
to solve every mystery?

They came to a house, stopped to rest…

Would you know your face
with no mirror to show you?
Do you know yourself?
Would you reflect
on the deepest depths?

… and laughed their way into the witch’s oven.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)

  2. Love it. Love the sinister undertones of an otherwise pleasant stroll through nature. Just like the best childhood fairy tales - most of which still haunt me...

    1. Thanks Mark! I'm glad you like it. I know what you mean about those fairy tales... They didn't really get to me when I was a kid, but the older I get the weirder they seem!
