Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Flow and Connect

Let it flow in what flows,
let it run together in what runs together,
and let it connect what connects.

Sit and observe the rolling ocean.
In the hottest part of the day, it evaporates.
You never see the wide ocean become a cloud,
you never see it become a puffy cloud.
But it does.
Take a sip of cool water, feel your sweat, and watch the sky.
You never see the cloud grow to raining.
You never see it turn to rain and the flowing river.
You never see that the ocean
runs back to the ocean.

Let it join in what joins,
let it sink in what sinks,
and let it rise in what rises.

Who can remember the beginning?
Who was there to make the first connection?
Ten thousand million years ago,
who was there?
Who was there at the first light,
when the first light was born out of dark?
Who shrank time into a ball
and spread out space across the eons?
Who was there when it all came apart
and all came together?

Let it flow in what flows,
let it run together in what runs together,
and let it connect what connects.

At the beginning?
It was all of us then,
all of us and every one,
until we flew apart
and grew apart.
We separated,
and curled a million miles on every side.
And now we float
like bulbous clouds
that fall as rain into rivers.

Let it flow in what flows,
let it run together in what runs together,
and let it connect what connects.


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(Photo credit: "Proj1_Connection_5" from Fanyun H. on flickr)

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