Saturday, December 5, 2015

How to Get Rid of Paranoia

                We’ve all had paranoid thoughts at some time or another. You know, that coworker who’s just a little too nice? That guy’s got bodies in his basement. Or those people whispering just a little too quietly for you to make out what their saying, out on the sidewalk or maybe over in the next room? They’re definitely talking about how they really don’t like you at all, or at least making fun of the way you walk and the way your eyes don’t line up quite right. Your best friend? Only puts up with you because you make them look taller in public.
I mean let’s be honest, who doesn’t go about their daily business with the constant conviction that everyone they meet is part of a massive worldwide conspiracy to kill them or lock them in a little box or maybe just laugh at how clueless they are? Not that I’ve ever had any experience of this kind of thing personally, it’s just something I’ve heard about. (I would like to take this opportunity to announce that I am a perfectly well-adjusted individual and the world would be a much better place if everyone was exactly like me.) In the wide range of human affairs, paranoia is probably an extremely rare phenomenon that only happens to people in horror films, third world nations, and the state of Ohio. Still, in the event that I’m wrong, I’ve prepared this Complete List of Wonderful Ways to Deal With Your Paranoia.
(Disclaimer: this is all wonderful advice and everyone should do exactly what I say.)

Complete List of Wonderful Ways to Deal With Your Paranoia

   1)      Declare War on the Human Race
This effective little trick comes in handy when you wake up in the morning to realize that the world you’re living in is inhabited by hordes of crawling vermin who are determined either to touch you or make you become one of them (both equally bad and not necessarily mutually exclusive). Those crazy humans, what’ll they think of next? You were just living in your own little world, thinking about death, and now you’ve got this bunch of humans in your face, demanding recognition and politeness and generally infringing on your personal autonomy. What’s a paranoid to do?
 Now, if you happen to be in a position where you wield political power, it should be easy enough to get some of your humans to round up the other ones into camps, where they won’t be any trouble provided you give them the right treatment. Other countries find out? Not to worry, just drop a couple warheads on your least favorite country and let the chips fall where they may. (If you don’t have political power, you’d best stick to the small scale stuff, and move quick because you never know when Gun Control might happen!)

   2)      Find Someone to Blame

Feeling worthless and insignificant? Do you sometimes wonder if you’ve made poor decisions in the past and need to address them? Do you have a nagging thought in the back of your mind that you’re always trying to get away from but can never avoid for very long? Does the thought that you might be responsible for your own problems cause overwhelming anxiety and make you wish there was somebody big and strong who could just take it all away?
Not to worry! Just find a group of people you don’t understand or know very well and blame all of your problems on them! Wait, did I say blame them? No, that’s not what I meant to say at all! I meant to say, “It’s completely their fault that anything bad has ever happened since the beginning of time and if we just build a wall to keep them out you’ll be able to live a wonderful and happy life and everything will be like it was in the Good Old Days.”
Not sure who to blame? No problem! Just think of the worst thing in the world, all the nastiest and most anti-social things a human being could be, and the first word that pops into your head will be the name of the group. It doesn’t do to think about these things too hard, so it’s best to just go with your gut. You can even invent a group that goes across all class, ethnic, or gender lines if you like! That way the enemy can be everywhere and the fact that you don’t like a person automatically makes them into the worst sort of human being imaginable.

   3)      Medicate Yourself, or Get Someone to do it for You

Does all of that hate sound like too much work for you? Do you wonder if maybe people really are good after all, but you just can’t deal with them because you can’t deal with yourself? Well, my friend, have I got the cure for you! Just anesthetize yourself with chemicals so all those bad thoughts go away. There’s plenty of cures on the market tailor-made for people in your condition, and some of them are even legal.
Sick of waking up every morning so hung over you can’t think? Feeling ashamed all the time because you can’t function semi-normally without getting loaded? Not sure where to find the nearest drug dealer? No problem! Just head over to the nearest psychiatrist and they’ll hook you up with just the prescription you need. And if you’re worried that you’re too sane to warrant treatment, never fear; as long as you show up, your friendly neighborhood psychiatrist can find something wrong with you and offer just the right medication to mask your symptoms without touching any of those nasty “underlying causes.” Then you won’t have to feel ashamed anymore—it’s not your fault, and you’ve got a diagnosis to prove it!

   4)      Keep Yourself so Busy You Can’t Think About It

I’d write more about this strategy, but I just don’t have time today. Maybe I can squeeze some editing in sometime later? I hope you understand, I’ve just got a lot on my plate right now.

   5)      Decide that You’re God

You’re in the big leagues now, bucko! It’s not that you’re an insignificant little worm that can’t deal with the real world or that you wrap yourself up in fantasies so you can keep up the courage to keep on breathing, it’s that you’re the Grand Architect of the Universe and you just haven’t realized it till now! No wonder you secretly thought the world revolved around you all your life… it really did revolve around you! Now all you’ve got to do is declare yourself to the world and everyone will immediately recognize your omnipotence and kneel down to worship you. And if they don’t? Well, that’s nothing a few lightning bolts can’t handle…

   6)      Dedicate Yourself to a Cause

So: you’ve got problems that you don’t want to deal with, but don’t want to look inside to find their real source? You guessed it, that’s no problem either! It’s society’s fault, not yours, and if you just work hard enough to fix society your personal problems will all solve themselves. Just project your personal neuroses onto society as a whole, and suddenly everything makes sense! It’s not your fault, it’s the traditional family you grew up in. It’s the patriarchy. It’s feminism. It’s capitalism. It’s Islam. It’s heteronormativity. It’s the carnivorous culture. It’s the society of the spectacle. No matter what your personal pet peeves, you can find an abstract model of society that blames every possible problem on something you don’t like.
And you won’t feel all alone in the universe anymore, because you’ll have plenty of similarly screwed-up people to agree with you while you work on your master plan and reinforce each other’s biases. You don’t even have to do anything or come up with any real solutions to the very real, complex problems you’ve abstracted and dogmatized to the point of meaninglessness; after all, if you actually solved the problem and found out that achieving your goal didn’t make you happy, then where would you be?

   7)      Work Out Your Problems; or, Engage With the World and Trust That it’s a Good Place

This is hard, takes constant effort and a willingness to admit mistakes, and involves a conscious decision to believe that other people are just as complex as you and are generally more understanding than not: not recommended. (I mean, who wants to do anything hard?)

Well, good luck everyone, and just remember: we're all against you, and we're hiding behind every street corner.

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