Thursday, October 15, 2015


Give light to the eyes and traverse the blue skies,
and leave not a stone in the dark,
while the petals that trace your path with their grace
are never quite far from the mark.
Touch gently your beam on the trickling stream,
and make warm the icy water;
shine where it goes, for your light ever knows,
and calls the wide ocean its daughter.
Teach hard ice to run, for the love of the One
that makes up a life for the living,
and always return after night’s frigid burn
to give what was made for the giving.

Yet even in night when the world’s fled from sight
give shine to the gazing moon.
She watches the earth and recalls what it’s worth,
though her marked face wanes so soon.
Light of all life, though you stab like a knife
and though in your strength it burns,
it’s to you we cling, we love, and we sing
and in you our strength returns.
Remember us well, though it’s from you we fell,
for your sake we grow and we live.
There’s something that’s good, though we’re not what we should,
we’ll learn that we’ve something to give.

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