Tuesday, October 6, 2015

To the Fathomless Depth

Do you remember when you were young,
And you were so brave?
We would walk in sunlight,
Drenched with sand,
And you gathered shells
As we went along.
I would tie them in twine
(you know how I love knots),
And with shells in your hair, we called you
Queen of the Sea.

When rolled the tide, you would arrive,
You welkin-eyed wonder,
Come brief to speak and then to dive,
To the sound of thunder.
Do you remember when we were young,
And I was so tall?
You would shout up to me,
Early with the dawn,
And round about noonday
My reply echoed down.
I should have been shorter
(you knew how I loved heights),
But despite all my distance, I called you
Queen of the Sea.
When rolled the tide, you would arrive,
You welkin-eyed wonder,
Come brief to speak and then to dive,
To the sound of thunder.
Do you remember when I was young,
And we were so old?
We would lie on the beach,
The evening streaked red,
And for an hour stern Time
Was so many numbers.
You’d swim to the sunset
(I knew how you loved the water)
And with eyes damp in silence, I called you
Queen of the Sea.
When rolled the tide, you would arrive,
You welkin-eyed wonder,
Come brief to speak and then to dive,
To the sound of thunder.
Do you remember?
(you must remember)
How many times have I spoke this story
In the fond hope that your ears would listen?
How many aeons have passed in their glory
As I've sung to set eyes bright a-glisten?
Still you've sunk to your Depth,
And will not be fathomed.
Do you remember?
(please try to remember)
When rolled the tide…
I should have been shorter…
You remember the surface where water
Meets air, the borders, frontiers of the mind?
Though we've cannons we’re not only fodder;
Air, sea, echoes and seashells entwined.
Do you remember?
You welkin-eyed wonder…
I knew how you loved the water…
And with eyes damp in silence, I called you
Queen of the Sea.

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