Saturday, April 2, 2016

A Little Sunshine

You're such a wonder,
such a brilliant, shining creature.
You've got so much life in you,
so much energy and cleverness and potential.
Why do you hide it?
Why don't you show your gifts to the world,
amaze us with what you can do?
It can be terrifying
to put your gifts out before the world.
Don't be shy, love.
It can be discouraging
to think of how much work it might take
to perfect your talents.
Don't be intimidated, dear.
It can be infuriating
to watch others get the praise
you deserve so much more.
Don't be bitter, sweetness.
You know what you have to show the world,
and never let anyone tell you
that you can't make it happen.

(Photo credit: "The Doubt" from Strolic Furlan - Davide Gabino's photostream on Flickr)

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