Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Sweet, smooth,
tiny treat at the end of the day.
You sit there, solid for now,
but so ready to melt,
so ready to dissolve
just as soon as I pick you up.
I'll wait a while
and just imagine how you taste.

I'm quite particular, you know,
and I'll take care
that my pleasure is perfect.
I'll strip off your wrapper, slowly,
just gently enough not to tear anything.
Then I'll break up your pieces,
one by one,
and spread you all over the plate.

I'll take your first piece
and nibble a corner,
just enough for a hint of your flavor.
Then I'll set you on my tongue
and let you melt there.
I close my eyes
to enjoy your silky smoothness.
You're really too much for me.

The next one I'll bite,
tear, swallow, scarf down all at once.
It seems like a waste,
but your flavor is different, that way.
Then I'll have you slowly again.
But I'll never stop searching
for the best way to enjoy you,
my sweet bit of chocolate.

(Photo credit: "Chocolate Bar" from James White on Flickr)

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  1. Enjoyed this thank you for sharing

  2. I have a serious red wine and dark chocolate habit ;)

    1. Never combined the two, actually. Think I'll be trying it out sometime soon!
