Wednesday, September 7, 2016


Remember when you believed in magic?
Remember when you believed your dreams,
your wishes,
your pretty thoughts
could all come true, sudden as a thunderclap?
Remember when you thought the world cared?

Sometimes I wonder if there's any innocence.
It sure doesn't seem like it.
Pull back the veil of horror,
and there's another veil behind it.
Pull back the second veil of horror,
and there's another veil behind it.
Pull back the third veil of horror,
and there's another...

I'll tell you what happened to the magic.
I'll tell you soon, I promise.

Remember when you believed in magic?
Remember when you dreamed it was for you?
Remember when you imagined you'd escape?

You know what they did to you.
(Can you deny the way it hurts?)
You know what we did to you.
(Can you forget the way it aches?)
You know what I did to you.
(Can anyone care about pronouns these days?)

Of course there's an end.
Of course there's a way out.
Two ways out of the nightmare.
Two ways out of the swamp.
Two ways out of the disgust.
Choose: either live, or die.

What's wrong with loving death?
Sometimes you'll want it so bad you can taste it.
We're afraid death will hurt,
yet we pine for oblivion.


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(Photo credit: "Oblivion" from Jeremy Casey on flickr)

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