Saturday, July 18, 2015

A Lament in Many Voices

Oh, but show me something simple!

What do you want?

I beg you, show me the raindrop
that does not reflect eternity. Where will you find it?

Who are you?

Where is the moment that stands sufficient?
Where is the thought that points to none other?
Where is the wolf that howls to itself?

Why did you create me?

“I thought the bee had a broken wing.
It buzzed, crashed curling in agony on its back.
I wondered if killing it would be a mercy,
and was glad when it rose to the skies.”

When will you stop speaking in riddles?

And how they hurt, the angel choir
with their hearts and anxious feet,
they who walk the fiercest fire
and hold tight the judgment seat!
How to learn what they desire?

How to learn what you desire?

“We planned you, son, your
father and I. You’ve got a purpose.
You’re not an accident.”
Echoes of duty and eternity.
It was raining. What to say?
“Our Father, who art in Heaven…”

What do you want?

But wash me clean in
your grace,
your water,
your fire.
“Where were you when I laid
the foundations of the Earth?”

What do you want?

“And if you watch me through the window…”
“Would have to cry if I didn’t…”
“…river that laughs as it runs.”

What do you want?

“He was a good man,
may he rest in peace.”

What do you want?
What do you want?
What do you want?

“For the Kingdom,
the Power,
and the Glory are yours,
now and forever.

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