Thursday, March 24, 2016


Don't you hate
how we have to play these games?
I know what you want
and you know what I want,
but if you say it
the magic's lost,
like the princess in the story
who couldn't say her name.
So let your eyes do the talking,
the curve of your neck,
or the way you twirl your hair.
Let's just talk about the weather.
You could ask when the rain will start
while you smile over your wineglass.
I could wonder when the storm might break,
and tell you the clouds are full of lightning.
Your breath could be my barometer,
or your heartbeat just the same,
so when the rain comes
I can take you inside
to keep you wet.
Don't you hate
how we have to play these games?
Don't you love
how we get to play these games?

(Photo credit: "COUPLE" from marc falardeau on Flickr)

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