Tuesday, March 29, 2016


How did you get so lost?
You're not a ghost,
but just look how you've left your body
so far behind...
When did you forget to be here,
you wanderer?
Why do you speak to phantoms,
you dreamer,
and forget the sound of human voices?

Come back, you wonder.
Come back to yourself.
Come back to this moment.
Just breathe a while.
You may find you're good company
after all.
You may find you love yourself
after all.
You may find the courage to care.

How did you ever forget?
You treat life like a wound
or a disease to be suffered through.
Don't you know that life has always
been an adventure?
Don't you know a hero's heart
beats in your chest?
Don't you feel the wonder
shining in all things?

(Photo credit: "Wonder Remains" from mario on Flickr)

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