Thursday, July 21, 2016

At the Walls

Fade to the end,
come fade with me, here at the end.
I can hear the bells ringing;
they've breached the walls.
Soon will be swords, rattling in the distance,
men shouting, sharp commands.
Before long it will be a rout.

Was there ever time to flee?
It's too late, it's too late.
Mother holds me close
as a woman screams in the distance,
screaming "No," then "Stop," then silence.
I'm glad the screaming stopped.
Mother says I've always been a good boy.

I am afraid.
We hide under the bed,
but I'm afraid the monsters will find us.
She says to stay quiet,
but I can't stop sobbing.
There's banging on the door.
Mother says I've always been a good boy.


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(Photo credit: "The Birds" from Rosana Prada on Flickr)